Culinary improvisation

Elton John has the reputation of writing his songs in very short periods of time. Richard E Grant puts him to the test. Quite fun.


The original YouTube video has now been removed, but you can still see the clip here.


This is probably at least partly staged, but I don’t think it’s a complete set-up.

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This is cute. But come on, Quentin. You can do this too! I’ve got a Safeway coupon on the kitchen desk that entitles me to purchase 24 cans of Swanson’s chicken broth at today’s advertised price of sixty cents a can. Want to give that one a try?
I think you’re souper. XOXOXOXOX CD

CD Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. (I do not wish to moderate my comment.)
April 22nd, 2007 at 1:35 am
This is cute. But come on, Quentin. You can do this too! I’ve got a Safeway coupon on the kitchen desk that entitles me to purchase 24 cans of Swanson’s chicken broth at today’s advertised price of sixty cents a can. Want to give that one a try?
I think you’re souper. XOXOXOXOX CD

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